Expert Advice to Create a Wildlife Haven...

As every nature-lover knows, your own back garden can provide a wonderful opportunity for watching wildlife, offering you the chance to get close to some of Britain's most secretive and fascinating creatures on an almost daily basis. Packed full of useful hints and tips, WildlifeGardener contains unique content that has been specially written for the site by experts and which is designed to help you attract wildlife into your garden.

Keeping a Wildlife Diary

By keeping a wildlife diary, not only will you enjoy reliving memories from your wildlife gardening experiences but, by doing this year upon year, it can also help you to build up valuable information and will give you a much sharper insight into how your immediate environment is faring. It …

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How Plants Can Attract Wildlife

There are hundreds of plants to choose from but if you want to attract wildlife to your garden you should choose native species which are more suited to your local climate. By choosing from a wide variety of native plants, you will increase the number of different wildlife species which …

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Maximising Garden Biodiversity

Biodiversity is defined as the number of different plants and wildlife species that live within a particular environment. The greater the amount of different species we can attract to our gardens the more we’re providing to nature in terms of maximising nature’s ability to support life and to combat environmental …

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Climate Change in the Garden

Here in the UK the effects of climate change and global warming might have gardeners rubbing their hands together with glee at the thought of warmer weather and longer summers but not all of the effects of climate change will be for the better and it’s important for gardeners to …

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Recipes for Feeding Wildlife

Birds and other small mammals can often survive quite well on their own if we have created an ecologically diverse yet well-balanced environment for them to live in. However, because gardens are generally kept in a tidy, good condition and because of the use of pesticides and weedkillers, these have …

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Creating an Ideal Wildlife Habitat in Your Garden

When it comes to creating an ideal wildlife habitat in your garden you need to consider the following – water, food, shelter and space. Planning Your Wildlife Garden You need to think horizontally and vertically when considering the area of your garden in which you’re planning to attract wildlife to. …

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Encouraging Wildlife in Your Trees

Trees play a critical role in many aspects of our environment but they are especially important to wildlife attracting many different species to them. They provide food for many different types of insects which then attract birds, mammals and amphibians too who will feed on the insects. Whatever variety of …

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Encouraging Wildlife in Your Hedges

You do not have to necessarily have a garden to attract wildlife. Even hedges that border your property can be a great attraction to a variety of insects, birds and mammals in that they will often provide food and shelter. Shelter Some birds will use a hedge all year long …

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How To Make Your Garden Pond Into A Wildlife Pond

For those who have decided to adapt their ornamental garden pond into a pond which will attract wildlife it will bring a lot of added colour and excitement to your garden and will improve the ecological balance too, given that many wetland areas which were previously home to a vast …

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Creepy-Crawlies in the Garden

Whilst all of the animals and other creatures in our garden have a role to play in maintaining the ecological balance of the surrounding environment, some are more welcomed than others and no other group of creatures causes more of a ‘friend or foe’ debate than insects and other flying …

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