Expert Advice to Create a Wildlife Haven...

As every nature-lover knows, your own back garden can provide a wonderful opportunity for watching wildlife, offering you the chance to get close to some of Britain's most secretive and fascinating creatures on an almost daily basis. Packed full of useful hints and tips, WildlifeGardener contains unique content that has been specially written for the site by experts and which is designed to help you attract wildlife into your garden.

Wildflowers in the Wildlife Garden

Adding a wildflower area to the garden can help turn it into a real wildlife magnet – not least because so many of our once-common native plants have almost entirely disappeared from UK fields and hedgerows. According to some sources, around 95% of Britain’s wildflower meadows have been lost over …

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Wildlife and the Law: Your Questions

Wildlife law is necessarily complex, but the bottom line is that it has been successful in protecting much of Britain’s flora and fauna – and especially the most vulnerable or endangered species – to some degree. Although getting to grips with the relevant Acts and instruments of legislation can be …

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Can You Identify This Bird?

You have photographed a Woodcock or Scolopax rusticola to give it its scientific name. An impressive bird, it’s the largest member of the Snipe family and although it shares the same general appearance and habits as its relatives, its larger size, more rounded wings and generally more “portly” silhouette means …

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Wildlife Activities for Kids

Unless a child has developed a passion for wildlife for themselves no amount of cajoling them into the garden for ‘educational purposes’ will work unless you can devise some activities that are fun for them to participate in. In making it ‘fun’, not only will they learn subconsciously, they’ll also …

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Wildlife Equipment for Kids

In addition to the basic gardening tools needed when working in the garden, a wildlife gardener needs additional items if they want to get the most out of observing the species that live in their garden or will come to visit. This is true for both adults and children but, …

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Educating Kids About Wildlife

Getting kids involved in wildlife gardening has many educational benefits. They’ll get to understand issues of key importance such as global warming and climate change which will have a major impact upon their future and will teach them other useful transferable skills which they can use in other areas throughout …

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Winter Watch in the Garden

In addition to heralding in harsher weather conditions and colder temperatures for those creatures who have not headed off for warmer climbs or for those who have not gone into hibernation, it can be a harsh time with food often scarce. Birds that you may not ordinarily see during other …

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Enjoying Autumn In Your Wildlife Garden

Even for those animals and creatures who don’t hibernate over the winter months autumn time is very much a time to stock up on supplies. You’ll see more birds gorging on autumn berries in your garden and, although many bird species will, by now, have departed for warmer climes, the …

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Wildlife to Look Out For in the Summer

The arrival of summer is a fantastic time for viewing wildlife in the garden. The skies are filled with birds many of them swifts and swallows which we only really get to see at the height of summer. Butterflies herald the start of warmer, longer days and, if you’re a …

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Spring Watch in the Garden

Spring is one of the most beautiful and welcoming seasons in the wildlife gardener’s calendar. After a winter where most living creatures lie dormant it’s wonderful to see spring flowers start to bloom and to hear the return of birdsong. March Nest building begins to get underway and you’ll get …

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