Expert Advice to Create a Wildlife Haven...

As every nature-lover knows, your own back garden can provide a wonderful opportunity for watching wildlife, offering you the chance to get close to some of Britain's most secretive and fascinating creatures on an almost daily basis. Packed full of useful hints and tips, WildlifeGardener contains unique content that has been specially written for the site by experts and which is designed to help you attract wildlife into your garden.

Are the Foxes Hounding my Pet?

Urban foxes are inquisitive but by nature there is nothing to distinguish their genetic make up to rural foxes and they are generally timid creatures, especially where close up contact to humans are concerned so if you’re out walking your dog, there is far more chance of another dog causing …

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Are they Badger Holes?

From your description, the holes appear to be very indicative that they have been made by a badger. A badger’s home is called a ‘sett’ and many setts are made up of numerous entrance holes beneath which will be several chambers and tunnels. They’re usually shaped a little like a …

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Reading the Tracks and Trails of Mammals in Your Garden

The degree to which you’ll see a variety of mammals in your garden will very much depend upon your location and the environment both in your garden and the surrounding territory. Some mammals prefer to live close to water or near a forest or wood, for example. However, the three …

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What To Do If You Come Across An Injured Animal

It’s our natural human instinct to be worried about any injured animal we might come across. However, what we often tend to forget is that wildlife is simply that – i.e. ‘wild’. In other words, unlike pets, they have a natural tendency to be wary and even scared of humans …

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What is Chicken Rearing

Keeping chickens is something most of us only usually associate with farmers and others who might live in rural communities. However, over recent years, our appetite for organic food and the likes of free range eggs have become increasingly popular. Then, there are those who are looking at how they …

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Equipment for Watching Wildlife

Half the enjoyment of creating your own wild area in the garden comes from the chance it gives you to watch some of our native wildlife and while you often need nothing more than a keen pair of eyes, there are times when a little extra equipment can help. Binoculars …

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Identifying Butterflies & Moths

Butterflies and moths are some of the most attractive of all the world’s insects and Britain has more than its fair share of really striking varieties. Planting buddleia, mallow, honeysuckle and other nectar-rich plants in the wildlife garden is a sure-fire way to guarantee that you’ll not be short of …

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Identifying Insects & Other Creepy-crawlies

As every wildlife gardener knows, there’s seldom any shortage of insects and other creepy-crawlies to spot in the garden, which means that there’s usually plenty for the amateur naturalist to see, even on the dullest of days. However, apart from the instantly recognisable ones, such as ladybirds, woodlice and earthworms, …

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Hints for Easier Bird Identification

One of the great joys of having your own wildlife garden lies in the number and variety of birds that will visit it over the years. While we all get pretty good at recognising the more common visitors on sight, there ’re few things more frustrating than not being able …

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Foxes in the Garden: Frequent Questions

For many people, a fox in the garden is a wonderful sight – but not everyone agrees, so it isn’t a universally welcome one and even if you’re a dedicated fox fan, their presence on your own back lawn may not be entirely without its problems. Beautiful to look at, …

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