Wildlife Watching at Night.

The night-time garden is a whole different world. A completely new range of creatures takes over our flower beds, lawns and ponds as the sun sets, and many of Britain’s most familiar and best loved wildlife, big and small, belong to this group of nocturnal visitors – from the likes …

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Hints for Easier Bird Identification

One of the great joys of having your own wildlife garden lies in the number and variety of birds that will visit it over the years. While we all get pretty good at recognising the more common visitors on sight, there ’re few things more frustrating than not being able …

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Identifying Insects & Other Creepy-crawlies

As every wildlife gardener knows, there’s seldom any shortage of insects and other creepy-crawlies to spot in the garden, which means that there’s usually plenty for the amateur naturalist to see, even on the dullest of days. However, apart from the instantly recognisable ones, such as ladybirds, woodlice and earthworms, …

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Identifying Butterflies & Moths

Butterflies and moths are some of the most attractive of all the world’s insects and Britain has more than its fair share of really striking varieties. Planting buddleia, mallow, honeysuckle and other nectar-rich plants in the wildlife garden is a sure-fire way to guarantee that you’ll not be short of …

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