Garden Mammals in Winter

As winter approaches, we tend to start thinking about the birds, but more often than not, we don’t give a great deal of thought to garden mammals. It’s partly an ‘out of sight out of mind’ kind of a thing; on the whole birds do tend to be a lot …

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Reading the Tracks and Trails of Mammals in Your Garden

The degree to which you’ll see a variety of mammals in your garden will very much depend upon your location and the environment both in your garden and the surrounding territory. Some mammals prefer to live close to water or near a forest or wood, for example. However, the three …

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What to do About Rabbits in Your Garden

Although they’re often seen as lovely, fluffy little creatures, if rabbits decide to invade your garden, they can wreak havoc as they will literally nibble on anything that takes their fancy. There are dozens of ‘supposed’ methods of deterring rabbits from coming into your garden -anything from human urine, moth …

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Feeding Birds in Your Garden

Although some people believe that winter is the only time we need to feed birds in our garden many people still feed them year round. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, spring is a particularly vulnerable time for birds when it comes to feeding. Here in Britain, even …

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Squirrels – Pest or Beauty?

Whilst some folk are attracted to a particular species of wildlife to others that same species might be considered a pest and the grey squirrel probably suffers more than most in this widespread difference of opinion. When it comes to wildlife gardening however, their biggest ‘crime’ is usually related to …

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What to do About Foxes in Your Garden

Many people mistakenly believe that the presence of a fox in the garden can be dangerous to both humans and other pets that are living there but this is rarely the case. It is extremely rare for a fox to attack a cat and it will never take on a …

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How to Attract Bats to Your Garden

Whether it’s because of Halloween or Dracula to many people, bats have obtained an unjust reputation as creatures which attack people, get tangled in their hair and are virulent carriers of rabies, all of which are simply not true. The first two statements are a myth and, as for the …

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What to do About Moles in the Garden

Moles in the garden are not harmful as such, but they can make a right mess of your garden by the tunnels and chamber systems they dig. They are attracted to gardens because of the earthworms and other insects that live beneath the soil but they are not harmful to …

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Caring for Hedgehogs in the Garden

Hedgehogs are a useful ally to gardeners in that they eat snails slugs and other pests which can cause damage to plants. Their numbers are in decline which is partially due to environmental pollution and the steadily increasing loss of their own natural habitat. How We Can Help Hedgehogs In …

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