Can You Identify This Bird?

You have photographed a Woodcock or Scolopax rusticola to give it its scientific name. An impressive bird, it’s the largest member of the Snipe family and although it shares the same general appearance and habits as its relatives, its larger size, more rounded wings and generally more “portly” silhouette means …

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Are they Badger Holes?

From your description, the holes appear to be very indicative that they have been made by a badger. A badger’s home is called a ‘sett’ and many setts are made up of numerous entrance holes beneath which will be several chambers and tunnels. They’re usually shaped a little like a …

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Are the Foxes Hounding my Pet?

Urban foxes are inquisitive but by nature there is nothing to distinguish their genetic make up to rural foxes and they are generally timid creatures, especially where close up contact to humans are concerned so if you’re out walking your dog, there is far more chance of another dog causing …

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What Trees and Plants Deter Mosquitoes?

Whilst eucalyptus trees are native to Australia, many UK gardeners successfully grow them too and it is said that they are effective in deterring mosquitoes. However, there are numerous native species which grow here in the UK that are also recommended by other gardeners. Mint is commonly used as a …

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Could we do More to Help Our Frogs?

Frogs can live to be more than six years old and it could well be that they have simply died of old age. Also, female frogs can occasionally be drowned or die from sheer exhaustion due to the frenetic activity of the breeding season. Of course, they may simply have …

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What Are These Garden Birds?

I wouldn’t like to swear to it, but I think the two on the lamppost-like structure in your photo are Long-Tailed Tits ( Aegithalos caudatus) – a fairly little-known, but not uncommon, British resident distinguished by the lengthy tail which gives it it’s common name. Noisy Chaps and Undulating Fliers …

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Can I Prevent Woodpeckers Attacking My Nest Boxes?

Woodpeckers are beautiful birds, but sometimes they don’t entirely endear themselves to the wildlife gardener. Whether they’re simply trying to excavate a nest box in accordance with generations of instinct, or, as is distressingly often the case with the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) mounting an assault to get at …

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How Can I Turn My Pond Into a Bog Garden?

I’m sorry to hear that you’re finding things increasingly difficult, especially since gardening seems to mean such a lot to you and you’ve evidently invested a lot of time and effort into keeping your pond in good condition. The short answer is that what you’re thinking of doing can certainly …

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How to Use a Bumble Bee Box?

It’s great to hear you’ve bought yourself a bee box; all around the world, bee numbers seem to be declining and although there are some possible explanations – including disease, habitat loss and pesticides – nobody seems entirely sure what’s going on. Bottom line – the more help these beneficial …

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