
WildlifeGardener was formed to offer a unique reference point on attracting wildlife to your garden.

As every nature-lover knows, your own back-garden can provide a wonderful opportunity for watching wildlife, offering you the chance to get close to some of Britain’s most secretive and fascinating creatures on an almost daily basis.

However, although many of our native animals can be found making use of almost any patch of ground, if you really want to make your garden into a proper wildlife haven, there are plenty of things you can do to encourage all kinds of creatures to visit and – with luck – some of them to take up permanent residency.

Packed full of useful hints and tips, WildlifeGardener contains unique content that has been specially written for the site by experts and which is designed to help you attract wildlife into your garden. Covering the widest range of topics – from how to encourage old favourites such as frogs, hedgehogs and birds, to how to deal with rats and other unwelcome guests and from the benefits of bees to avoiding potential problems with foxes or squirrels – this site has something to offer every aspiring nature-watcher.

Whether you plan to use your wildlife garden as an educational resource, or you simply want to enjoy having a nature reserve quite literally in your own “back-yard”, you’ll find plenty of ideas and practical suggestions in WildlifeGardener to help you.